DATAKOM: ATS, AMF, AVR, ECM, DKG controllers for diesel, gas, petrol gensets including manual start and auto mains failure generator controls, electronic engine governors, alternator automatic voltage regulators, automatic transfer switches, battery chargers, meters and analyzers, contactors, synchroscopes and automatic synchronizers for multi generating set paralleling and mains synchronization. Buy Datacom online.

Home powerhouse. The use of automation to operate the generator.

Home powerhouse. The use of automation to operate the generator.


Home powerhouse. The use of automation to operate the generator.

Home powerhouse. The use of automation to operate the generator.

Generators of electricity. What it is? This comfort. This safety. It's confidence. Confidence in himself, in his home. The presence of the generator at his home today no surprise. Today benzo- or diesel generator is not a luxury - it has become imperative. After the disappearance of current life in the house dies - no water, no heat, no light ...

Some problems can be solved using UPS - uninterruptible power supply. Functionally, UPS serves as familiar to all UPS for computers. The only difference is that the source rozrahovanve for more power and longer operating time.

Operation time depends on the capacity of batteries. But these devices have significant drawbacks - limited time, the high price. Using UPS optimally in the most critical areas, including - for the supply of heating boilers, emergency lighting and signaling.

But desperate situations do not happen. Solve problems with your uninterruptible power supply can be an alternative source of energy - a mini power station - gasoline or diesel generator. The most common types of generators for fuel use gasoline or diesel. Recently, the market appeared generators generators where used as a fuel gas - natural or liquefied.

Power generators used in everyday life ranging from 500 W to 100 kW. The most popular medium power generators - from 6 to 15 kW, about the need for the normal existence of medium size building. For normal operation of the generator rated power must be considered and possibly disable most energy consumers - electric heater, boiler, electric, air conditioning.

Almost all medium and large generators equipped with electric power, which significantly facilitates the operation of generators. To get started, just click a button or turn the ignition key and station ready to work.

Some of the more advanced models are equipped with built-in generator startup-AVRom. The algorithm of automatic about this: ATS (automatic input provision) for voltage control in urban networks.

With the disappearance of voltage generator starts automatically and delivers voltage to the consumer. When the voltage AVR automatically switches to the consumer mains and stop the generator. But this unit (ATS) is only a few generators. The algorithm of the AVR is simple and almost all the same.

Availability of automation greatly simplifies and makes using the generator much easier and more comfortable, and in addition, virtually require your participation in the start-stop generator, connect the load-off.

First, our "Kulibin" collected automation in the home, which naturally made it quite primitive, though the functions assigned to it, performed properly.

ABP, modern - it is a "smart" devices. Automation controls not only the presence of voltage, but also its quality. Checked by voltage, frequency, time between shows machine hours. Upon reaching a certain number of hours, AVR signals it or does the prohibition to run the generator.

In the case of a three-phase networks ABP monitors phase sequence. Thus, if the voltage falls below a specified voltage or frequency change, AVR sees it as an accident and enters a job generator. With the stabilization of voltage is reverse switch on the power supply.

On the device can only be judged by several LEDs. The cost of the device starts at $ 100 and above. This amount should be added the cost of contactors. For example, one firm ABB contactor at 63A costs about $ 80. And they need 2 pieces. Completed these devices as a separate fee or a small unit for mounting on DIN-rail.

More expensive models have hosted digital display on which displayed all the information about the work of the generator and mains. Using the keyboard and the scoreboard is possible to separate almost all programming parameters of automation and generator.

Also, some models provides remote control and monitoring of the generator using a PC. Cost data can range from ATS 450 to $ 700, depending on the device model.

The method of the present device - a metal or plastic box. The front of the present digital display and keyboard.

And finally, good advice. Installation should only perform professional who knows the principle of the generator and automation.

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DATAKOM: ATS, AMF, AVR, ECM, DKG controllers for diesel, gas, petrol gensets including manual start and auto mains failure generator controls, electronic engine governors, alternator automatic voltage regulators, automatic transfer switches, battery chargers, meters and analyzers, contactors, synchroscopes and automatic synchronizers for multi generating set paralleling and mains synchronization. Buy Datacom online.