DATAKOM: ATS, AMF, AVR, ECM, DKG controllers for diesel, gas, petrol gensets including manual start and auto mains failure generator controls, electronic engine governors, alternator automatic voltage regulators, automatic transfer switches, battery chargers, meters and analyzers, contactors, synchroscopes and automatic synchronizers for multi generating set paralleling and mains synchronization. Buy Datacom online.

DATAKOM AVR-12 Automatic voltage regulator for generator alternators.

DATAKOM AVR-12 Automatic voltage regulator for generator alternators


DATAKOM AVR-12 Automatic voltage regulator for generator alternators

DATAKOM AVR-12 Automatic voltage regulator for generator alternators.

DATAKOM AVR-12 Voltage Regulator is an electronic device which lets the alternator to produce fixed output voltage. It has open chassis, resin molded design and is intended to be mounted in the alternator’s terminal box.
The output stage of the device is a Half Wave tyhristor output associated with a free wheeling diode. Basically the unit is compatible with all brushless type alternators.
The AVR-12 has a special relay-less electronic circuit design. The unit does not include moving parts; therefore it is able to operate in highly vibrating environments.
The AVR-12 includes a low frequency protection circuit. The easy connection scheme of the device allows fast and easy replacement.
DATAKOM AVR-12_2 (Копировать).jpg

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DATAKOM: ATS, AMF, AVR, ECM, DKG controllers for diesel, gas, petrol gensets including manual start and auto mains failure generator controls, electronic engine governors, alternator automatic voltage regulators, automatic transfer switches, battery chargers, meters and analyzers, contactors, synchroscopes and automatic synchronizers for multi generating set paralleling and mains synchronization. Buy Datacom online.