The DKG-545 is a comprehensive AMF unit for a single genset standby or dual genset mutual standby operations.
The same unit offers also remote start operation functionality, selectable through program parameter.
In AUTOMATIC position, DKG-545 monitors mains phase voltages and controls the automatic starting, stopping and load transfer of the generating set in case of a mains failure and once the generator is running, it monitors internal protections and external fault inputs.
If a fault condition occurs, the unit shuts down the engine automatically and indicates the failure source with the corresponding red led lamp and text.
The operation of the unit is controlled with front panel pushbuttons.
The TEST, AUTO, MANUAL, STOP and START pushbuttons select the operating mode. Other buttons select the display parameter scroll, alarm mute and lamp test functions.
The DKG-545 provides a comprehensive set of digitally adjustable timers, threshold levels, input and output configurations, operating sequences and engine types.
The unauthorized access to program parameters is prevented by the program lock input.
All programs may be modified via front panel pushbuttons, and do not require an external unit.
The fault conditions are considered in 3 categories as Warnings, Loaddumps and Shutdown Alarms. Measured values have separate programmable limits for warning and shutdown conditions. The unit is able to initiate modem calls and sending SMS messages in fault conditions.
Last 100 faults are stored in the event log file. The event log includes not only the date-time information, but also a comprehensive list of measured genset parameters at the time that the fault has occurred.
The service request indicator lamp turns on at the expiration of either engine hours or time limits.
It is possible to monitor and control the operation of the system locally or remotely with the WINDOWS based RAINBOW program.
The unit supports MODBUS protocol enabling communication with PLCs and building management systems. The MODBUS protocol is also supported through GSM and PSTN modems.
The unit is designed for front panel mounting. Connections are made with 2 part plug and socket connectors.